wed:arrived at the hotel around 12pm
went shopping
ate giordano pizza
went drinking at the hotel
thurs:set up at the expo in the morning
dinner at T.G.I.friday
walked around michigan ave.
got mugged (gun pointed)
#1(me):150+ in cash
#3:wallet cellphone
#4:wallet cellphone
fri: spent all day at the police station(interviewed,filed multiple police report,did a line up
got questioned by state attorney,got a ride back to the hotel around 4pm
cousin took me out shoppin at leaders1354 and st.alfreds. leaders hat,shirt(pics later)
went drinking at a prat house(beer pong and other american drinkin games)
sat: went to work at the expo.14 hour shift.
ate dinner at the hotel
sun: nike brunch party
more shopping at niketown,burberry,etc..
flew out
will upload picture once i get it from ryan tran

1 comment:
the store looks nice. and that sucks that you got robbed
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